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tv   [untitled]    October 23, 2013 6:00pm-6:31pm EDT

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do you know what's on your dinner plate i mean really know what's on your dinner plate sure may look like chickens steak or a hamburger but there's probably a little something extra in there to arsenic you know the deadly poison and antibiotics shockingly about eighty percent of all antibiotics sales in the u.s. go to livestock alone since the one nine hundred forty s. the livestock industry has been adding these drugs to animal feed and nurture reduce infections and make them eat more appetising lead pink but these antibiotics also double as growth hormones so that now chickens look like this yes that's the difference between a chicken from the one nine hundred fifty s. and the factory farm chickens of today pretty disgusting but at the end of the day
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it's always been about profit not humanity. and the desire for massive profit could be killing you a recent report by john hopkins university claims that the excessive use of animal antibiotics is putting people at risk by creating antibiotic resistant bacteria according to the centers for disease control twenty three thousand americans die every year from antibiotic resistant infections unfortunately money signs are stalling congress for regulating these antibiotics but thankfully after years of legal battles the f.d.a. announced earlier this month it will finally ban the really out of the four arsenic drugs that normally go into the animal feed and could be wrong it's a step in the right direction but let's be honest if it took decades to get the deadly poison arsenic banned how long is it going to take until we're no longer eating frank and chicken. the
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little the kid was a little very hard to take the turtle to get along. he ever had sex with her but there are those. that believe. the. little. little. bit. like that. nearly two years ago a fourteen year old cheerleader named daisy coleman was allegedly raped by seventeen year old matthew barnett and left to freeze to death outside of her house and married bill missouri it's a tale we've heard far too often star football player rapes young student in the
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town ends up blaming the victim resulting in no consequences for the perpetrator oh and did i mention that the alleged rapist is also the grandson of a missouri congressman but this story gets even more dark. after being ridiculed suspended from the chair live in swat and forced out of town daisy came home to her house suspiciously burned to the ground so why are we hearing about this tragedy now two years later after prosecutors dropped the charges against the hacktivist group anonymous revive the case and started online campaign to put pressure on mary bill's government and just today hundreds of residents gather to show solidarity and demand justice for daisy so to talk more about anonymous role in all of this i was joined earlier by our team web producer and you're blake and i first asked him why anonymous chose to get involved now. in this case i mean are the aftermath of. it really shows that it's not as much about having
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a collective organized group like we saw with anonymous in this case but also having a really powerful media report yes it took almost two years for the story to actually pick up and get people to pay attention but there was an amazing report in the kansas city star i believe around two or three weeks ago and that report itself was around four thousand words and pretty much chronicled everything going back to when the colemans first moved into the town in missouri to that the allegations the night itself there are a lot of witness interviews and it was an absolutely fantastic report and that itself kind of really got people to pay attention in you when you have something that something so it was socially charged and relatable you know what a helpless teenage girl you can really get a lot of people involved and that's when anonymous came in and they really helped spearhead a campaign which is humiliated in a lot of things happening in just the course of two or three weeks on all started with one article and it catching the attention of enough people who were committed to pursuing some sort of change and we actually have seen
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a change already and i read that article and it's really powerful and everyone should read it really chronicles the story well what has anonymous done and what change have we seen do to their pressure will be seen within with other operations in the past. i think it's really important to really talk about the group itself for a second because a lot of people including the media often portrayed on this as a loose knit collective just very ambiguous very underground shader we shadowy these are all words are used to describe nonessential so called nons but even as loose knit as they really are if you have a common bond you know for example commitment to pursuing a case such as this people can really get together and do especially the unthinkable in a case like here we had almost two years of of the just long gone people were no longer caring people weren't talking about it anonymous took their. and the city star article it with the help of other online activists status propelled it to such
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a point that it was being shared around the world and as more of like minded individuals who share a common bond who are all computer savvy who are all know how to communicate successfully over the internet and can get opinions across can can share points with other people and can make things stay just anonymous was able to take this story and use it to propel this campaign to kind of collect everyone's attention and you know obviously other people didn't hurt because you know this coleman herself appeared on c.n.n. many times a number of people involved in the case have actually been stepping out into the spotlight but anonymous actually helped organize rallies and raise awareness for the israelis they say they did twitter storms they circulated e-mails they pretty much took the internet and in every single corner of the internet tried to make it possible for someone to find information about the d.c. coleman case and as that information became more and more just all encompassing and just because able to just smother people it got people to talk so much so that the
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prosecutor in the case had to actually reopen it and that's the latest developments we've seen incredible i mean it's great that anonymous is filling the void where the prosecutors obviously dropped the ball for the last two years i mean completely no attention it's just one of those other stories of these star football players who just kind of get off scot free with really agree just crimes and you mentioned the twitter star might is one of the these house tags justice for daisy and daisy if people want to follow those let's talk about steubenville this is another rape case that anonymous got involved and actually we saw on a lead an on get attacked the f.b.i. raided his home whatever happened to perpetrators in that case and talk about derrick lawsuit or was that a chilling effect meant to send a kind of other and on this case i mean i don't think so personally to back up the two perpetrators were convicted and are serving i believe roughly around a year in a juvenile facility and derek the. alleged through hell. move this campaign along is in the middle of all whole legal snafu himself and could essentially face
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several years in prison for if he is found guilty of supposed computer crimes but what we saw in missouri just recently was very very similar and it's more than just star athlete sexually assaulting a young girl it was it took a really powerful piece in the media in order to catch people's attention and then it took really really captivating smart anon to grab it and say we need to make people read this we need to make people be aware of what is happening now when derrick was raided that the f.b.i. or the law enforcement agency obviously was looking to get someone for computer crimes not for spreading information about alleged rape they wanted to find someone who was actually breaking the law now will that actually hinder stuff like this from happening yes but you can only silence so many people when you're talking about a movement this large computer laws are constantly being brought up in congress and
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there's spent so many attempts in last couple years to reform the computer fraud and abuse act which the cia it's a lot they use to go after a lot of so-called happed of a super you know take down websites or deface websites and you know that can have a chilling effect on people because it will take away that motivation people be less driven is to try to make internet campaign if they know that they're facing five ten fifteen years in jail but is really going to silence people when you're bringing such a powerful case to the public's eye and you're doing so in such a way that you can captivate everyone's attention and actually like we saw in steubenville and like we're seeing in america actually make a change make a legal change the anonymous has been so successful in raising concerns that people have gone to jail so i think is there a chilling effect really depends on how motivated you are and how serious you are about your commitment about social justice absolutely amazing they get so much for breaking down this really incredible story that the local government. drops the ball and anonymous comes and brings attention the story of actually bowing is not
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the first time but it's starting and it's generating a lot of attention and a lot of activism and i regard thank you so much andrew blake i really appreciate it excited. still ahead documentary filmmaker dennis della struck explains why our addiction to sand could come back to haunt us. big bucks but. we're going to do it. did you know the price is the only industry specifically mentioned in the constitution and. that's because a free and open press is critical to our democracy which. in fact the single biggest threat facing our nation today is the corporate takeover of our government and across several we've been a hydrangea right handful of transnational corporations that will profit by destroying what our founding fathers but once sold to us by job market and on this show we reveal the big picture of what's actually going on in the world if we go beyond identifying the problem to try rational debate in
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a real discussion critical issues facing america if i ever feel ready to join the movement then welcome to the big picture. i am the president and i think a society that case i think corporation trying to convince to whom you can do. the bank trying to solve it all about money and other bashfully think for a politician write the laws and regulations to tack. on the head. there is just too much rat is today's. topic that. but. you know.
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we all know that we're living in a corporatocracy just look at ten major corporations that control most everything we buy at the grocery store and when you realize it's a small unelected group of people are in charge of so many of the decisions that affect our lives it might make you feel about helpless what if i told you that it's not impossible to fight back and win because the people i'm about to highlight don't care how powerful these industries are they just know that they have to risk everything in order to keep these pillaging corporations out of their cities and start the philippines the people of the southern island. have been battling multinationals like dole monsanto and mining companies for years with dole the company started planting its banana crops on top of the already existing rice plantations up along the local farmers and as the corporation bought up the land it forced the farmers to work for dole leaving them with less pay and what's considered a living wage takeover of the island directly correlates with the rise of poverty
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there but the people learn from banana republic and started organizing five native tribes founded a community organization called the posse to and set up a school that teaches people how to farm in an environmentally friendly way and i don't organize effective resistance despite several attempts by the corporation to shut down the school but paulson has remained resilient and has even fend it off vulture mining corporations itching to exploit their land the slogan for. the end to. the were gay. let me just say he thinks of. the slogan for these workers
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i'd rather die from bullets than from hunger a noble effort but they're not the only ones that ship here to you west specifically barnstead new hampshire just a few years back the water mining corporation usa springs had its heart set on extracting three hundred thousand gallons of water from the town's natural for but the community fought back to preserve its water supply the people of barnstead passed a law banning corporations from mining and selling water declaring water is a human right that everyone depends on and is not for sale there ordinance has never been challenged by the water corporation and the aqua for remains untapped to this day next let's go down under to tacoma whose fight revolves around keeping a twenty four hour mcdonald's out of their community the town says that this corporate monolith would have detrimental effects on local restaurants and its proximity to an elementary school would only add to australia's growing obesity epidemic and fun in fact one activist said that we've knocked on the door of every
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house in tacoma and we've discovered that nine out of ten people don't want this. even though the town hasn't officially stopped the project it's been the lead already for two and a half years it's an ongoing battle in the small town of two thousand people but its cause has become viral and petitioners have already gathered ninety four thousand signatures and forty thousand dollars in donations. perhaps this town can be inspired by the resulting success that bolivia saw in two thousand and two when the fast food giant was forced to shut its doors after operate in the country for fourteen years how well the most simple form of protest of all bolivians hit the yellow arches where it hurt the most the pocketbook they simply didn't buy the junk food and moving on to just this past week in canada and romania where we've seen two communities fighting the fracking industry and the rexton in canada hundreds of protesters put up barriers to protect land from fracking that belongs to a first nations tribal gas an oil company as you and resources has been exploring
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the land to see if it's right for mining but members of this tribe have been fighting as w.n. and protest came to a head last thursday when cars were torched snipers were unleashed and at least forty were arrested hopefully this ongoing fight will end in the same way as romania or chevron was actually forced to suspend its fracking operation because romanian villagers staged the re day occupation on the land designated for the first drill. i know not all of these stories have a fairy tale ending but this is a battle worth fighting and these communities are deep in the trenches the corporatocracy cannot be easily dismantled in fact every great moment of change has cost great sacrifice success doesn't happen overnight and revolution is not a moment it's a process a process that serves to remind us that corporations are not people and people
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won't sit idly by while their dignity is stripped and land destroyed so let these stories serve as a call to action for us and as a warning sign for the corporate oligarchy of the world. it's well known that the world is running out of resources such as water oil natural gas and coal but there's another vital natural element in a rapidly depleted by humans that you've probably never considered san i know it sounds crazy but this unregulated resource is used in everything from fiberglass to cement to computer screens and one of film called sand wars is exploring how humanity's addiction of sand is having disastrous consequences. removed from the lives of everything that the prince and senator and the world would look very
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different we would go on. the trip. with who would just not aware of no importance and is to our daily laws. sound as a massively underestimated resource you can't build a house or a building without some of this sun has to come. from fortune we call it use it does it say about the sun or any of the construct. you hear people talk about the end of oil but nobody's talking about the end of sand. so what would a world without sand look like and who's waging the sand wars or earlier i was joined by the film's director dennis dallas track and i first asked him where he got the idea for the documentary. i was just finishing another film and you know i spend most of my time in botswana spain and saw him on a sunday morning i went for
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a walk on the beach and the beach and usually very wide and slide one hundred feet you know and that winter sunday morning the beach was almost had the whole dispute there was like maybe ten feet of sand on the beach and just an idea across my minus anywhere where the sand and go. to where you don't go through the internet than surgeon google and i have words that never connected to me before and i send my. overexploitation or i'm some sort of sand beaches disappearing and so that's where the whole story of santa morris started and who's waging the war. well the san is. all of us what is this what are basically because we all use a lot of sand we all take samples there is. a whole industry
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a very big industry you know. it's a resource we dig where it is we took it into reverse we took it you know inquiries now all these sources are going empty and we have to go in to see. to see floors and on the beach that's where we think sad and we have to understand if you look if you are if you look around you this camera this computer. call it soul mate sends all sad to. very important role in all of these objects. and more than anything you know building no buildings no roads and bridges no it's everything that is i think that's what was so shocking to me is that it really is how much sand played a role and everything that we see and utilize on a daily basis to most people sense seems like one of the most abundant resources on
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earth that covers twenty percent of the earth's deserts naturally created yet sand wars argues that we're consuming sand far faster than it can be created why. well you know we all take for granted and we all think that you know we can we're going to find it whenever we go back to the beach in the summer it's going to be there we're going to call on it we're going to send bass but sat is not is you know it's not a sustainable resource it's rigid rates of course but just like oil or gas basically oil and you consume all oil as fast as we do it so it's a natural resource a resource that is going to keep you know keep growing up but we go very fast are you are saying these consume these the resources are very very fast and said is no different it takes like twenty something like twenty five thousand years to create sand that comes from the mountain chains goes down the river the little streams
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down the river and eventually gets to the coals and then he's moved by the streams in the waves if we go in something like fifty years we've used them. now we can see the consequences on the beaches three quarters of the world's beaches are retreating meaning these appearing and three in one of the big emergency in this you know you know. why can't desert sand from places like this the horrible years for industrial purposes. there would be there would be a great bargain right or. it's just out there or they didn't use it but irony of nature this sand grains barrier around us and they don't aggregate they don't stick together so if you want to build something with sad it's just not going to work it's not going to be in concrete and that recommendation this sand is not going to stick together and number works well for us basically and you mentioned sand mining
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really briefly what are the effects of this process. by a semi and if you if your mind is sand on this before and one thing that we all thing. that i thought so when i started researching this film i saw that the sea floor scripts and color of the sand is not like that the sea floor is is covered with a very thin layer sand and it's mostly rope right so if you take sand many consequences on the. ecology go biological level. sand is the first live all of life. of the the ground live in all of the sea all the microorganisms that leave their. little fish that if you to be your fish the end of the chain feeders so if you take sand you basically kill everything that's in the sand and you have live on the geology
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totally well now if you remove sand you're going to affect the whole dynamic because whole dynamics. just try and you can try that you know a little beach if you're near near a beach go the beach day grab a good bit of sad where the waves come and a half to one of the waves just sand the whole we have disputed sand is them all day and i make resources matter on earth what would a world look like without sand i mean how would it impact our day to day lives well you know it in sand where as we you know we went for example in indonesia in the mound deaves most of the violence when you remove sand where we have to understand the sand is our natural barrier. central texas protects the earth and the land if you remove the second buffer right if you remove the sand from the beach the waves and and the currents and the storm is intervening are going to be going to
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the land and the erosion is going to be more dramatic that's what's happening in indonesia for example where twenty five items have already disappeared to go send money and. because ups and mining of so intimately use many many islands are disappearing and. these placement of pollution of course as you were just talking we just saw an article pop up about south florida in eastern australia have already reported that they're running out of sand we have about a minute left but what are some concrete steps that people can take to reverse this trend and where can people save the film. well the film is going to be in the us we're going to we're speedy is not in charge of distributing the film so we're aware i'm very happy it's we're yes i'm doing great job it's going to be in washington d.c. in the year and bryan on golf ball that's in march i think i'll be there to talk about the fell while steps we can take credit easy if you.
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use this in construction and support us at all it all of us you know of on the. wall we build with many many materials we can use you know the what comes out where when you destroy a building your bridge or roll you can crash that and use that as an aggregate you can use glass one quarter of the glass that we were cycle is actually never recycle so we can crush it and make sense because that is made of glass and desk and go back to cent and the aesthetic of sad sad and less ease exactly the same you know you know you're going to if you are going to get sand in feet at all it's just that there's many many resources that can be recycle and i think the best way to send is to be on the beach all right well thank you so much it's great to hear that
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there are alternatives that people can use in construction and elsewhere thank you so much that as del subtractive director at stanmore is amazing to have you on. thank you again. if you like what you've seen so far head to our you tube channel you tube dot com slash break into that and be sure to subscribe so you don't mind a single episode or segment we have every single second we've done tabbed outside belay if you want to catch that was i encourage i want to check out my interview with my prisoner about national police brutality day in the rampant abuse being committed by law enforcement across the nation you know also look up every other segment we've done separately under the taboo section on the top of the page from big brother watch the weapons of mass destruction check out all that and more on the playlist dot com plus breaking a sweat and that's it for our show tonight you guys thanks to everyone at home for tonight and i'll see you right back here tomorrow to break that that.
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in response to the intense. some local media to watch the. my mother am off while the boat came to california in one nine hundred fifty six and in both downtown l.a. . department store. my father had been living downtown. but my mother she lived out in the projects the bad part of it was that i ended up hanging out in my mother's old neighborhood joining the games. i got into my diction my addiction landed me in front of. a robbery he said you have to go to a prison. a prison.


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